Box Breathing by Unbeatable Mind

by Unbeatable Mind

Gesundheit & Fitness

4.99 usd

Box Atmung ist eine leistungsfähige Technik, die Sie zu helfen, die Kontrolle über Ihren Körper.

Box breathing is a powerful technique to hack your brain, allowing you to take control of your bodys primeval, unconscious responses. Using audio prompts and gamification techniques, this app will guide you through nine levels (and a custom level), which will help to:nn+Increase Blood Flown+Increase Learning and Skill Developmentn+Increase Focus and Attentionn+Increase Energyn+Improve your Immune Systemn+Clears the Mindn+Enhanced Arousal Responsen+Reduces Anxietyn+Decreases shallow breathingn+Increase Awarenessn+Improves Disciplinen+Helps regulate the nervous systemn+Reduces Stressn+Calms Nervesn+Improves MeditationnnThis technique is used by the military and sports professionals to help to keep them at the top of their game. Optimize your breathing, optimize your life.